Don & Lillian Dwight

Evangelical Covenant Church, Serve Globally in Taiwan since 1991. 

Ministry with Education, Discipleship and Spiritual Formation, Sports and 

Ministry to Filipinos.


Contact Information


How To Donate

Donate online at

Donate by check to “Evangelical Covenant Church”:

ECC Serve Globally

8303 W. Higgins Rd.

Chicago, IL 60631

(memo indicate “Don & Lillian Dwight”)

Prayer Requests

Energy, strength, enthusiasm and love as they serve the students at Morrison Academy; that many of the students at Morrison will give their lives to Jesus and will grow in spiritual maturity as they walk with Him ;that their ministry with migrant Filipino factory workers will thrive and many of these workers will grow closer to the Lord and grow in spiritual maturity as they fellowship with God's family at Jesus Covenant Church.